A Perfect Place To Write

“Excuse me, is this seat taken?”

Jessica Abello looked up from her folder of writer’s conference material. The grey-haired gentleman waiting for her response certainly looked the part. He was even wearing a corduroy jacket with patches on both elbows, which she found amusing and rather quaint, “Go on. No one’s taken it.”

The man slid the chair back and took a seat. He placed his own folder on the table before reaching his hand out for her to shake, “Name’s Warren Wilson, by the way.”

She took his hand, briefly, “I’m Jess Abello. Very nice to meet you.”

“First time here?” Warren asked, as his eyes swept the crowded room.

“First time here, or any conference for that matter,” Jess answered, “You?”

“Oh, I’ve been here many times,” Warren winked, “Can’t say it’s helped me sell any books though.”

A slow chuckle slipped from Jess’s lips, and she checked to see if she was offending him. She wasn’t, if his smile counted for anything. She consulted the itinerary and suppressed a shudder of excitement upon seeing the name, Adora Atlas, listed as the speaker for that morning.

“Must be a romance writer.” Warren said.

Jess glanced at him, curious.

“I saw you twitch a little when you read it,” he moved to explain, “What can I say… I’m a writer. People, and their reactions, are my specialty.”

“What do you write?” she asked him.

“Oh, this and that. Mainly mysteries, I suppose.”

“I tried my hand at a mystery once, but romance is where my heart is, so I just decided to focus on that.”

Warren suddenly straightened his chair and nodded towards the stage, “There’s Ms. Atlas. Looks like it’s about to begin.”


“Damn it,” Jess whispered to herself as she approached the room where the writer’s workshop was being held. The double doors had already been closed, which meant that it must have started. For a brief moment she debated going back upstairs to her room and just ordering breakfast, which she’d missed, but then she thought about how she had already paid for this workshop, and that compelled her forward.

Every eye turned her way as she stepped through the door. A table had been set up right beside the door and there was one lone glazed donut sitting on a platter. Acting braver than she felt, Jess picked it up, plopped it on a napkin and turned around to search the room for an empty chair.

From across the room, her eyes caught the waving hand of Warren Wilson. There was an empty space beside him. She dropped her eyes and quickly marched over, settling into the seat with relief, eager to get out of the spotlight.

“Thank you.” she whispered to Warren.

“Glad to be of service.” he whispered back.

After the workshop, as Jess was pushing back her chair, Warren said, “A group of us are heading over to Harry’s to grab some drinks. You’re welcome to join us.”

“Harry’s?” she asked.

“It’s a bar just down the street. Quite a few years back, a couple of us went for a drink. The next year, a few more joined us. Now, I wouldn’t be surprised if half the conference ends up there.”

Jess hesitated. She wasn’t exactly a social butterfly, preferring solitude over company. Then she silently reminded herself that she had come to the conference to be with like-minded people, and to network and try to get her writing on their radar, not to hide herself in her room.

“Alright, that sounds fun. I need to go freshen up and drop my things off.”

Warren nodded, “I’m happy to hear that. We plan on meeting down in the lobby in,” he checked his watch, “About twenty minutes. Oh, and come hungry. They’ve got damn good bar pizza that you won’t want to miss.”


Jess’s pizza arrived at the table gleaming with oil and scattered with crushed red pepper flakes, “You were right,” she told Warren, “This smells delicious.”

“Best you’ll ever have.” Warren boasted, as he tucked into his own sausage strewn pie.

While she ate, Jess listened to the other people that shared the tables that had been lined up together in the middle of the bar. Every now and then, she let her eyes wander to the handsome man that sat at the far end. He didn’t look like a writer. He looked like someone who fished in streams and slept in tents propped on the side of mountains. The juxtaposition intrigued her.

“So, tell me, what did you think of the speaker yesterday, the one with the three kids always underfoot?” Warren interrupted her thoughts.

She slid her eyes back to him, “Oh, the one that wished for a bolthole?” she smiled in remembrance of the poor woman’s plight, “Yes, though I can’t say that I have it as rough as her, I sometimes wish that I could get away from everything for long enough to finish my novel.”

The man of her musings suddenly stood up and headed for the bar. She stood up as well, suddenly and uncharacteristically, “Excuse me, I’ll be right back.”

As she approached the bar, Jess came up with and discarded several conversational topics, but as she drew closer and saw that he was even more ruggedly handsome up close, the most she could come up with was, “Hey.”

He turned and looked at her with a dazzling smile, “Hello. How are you?”

“Good. I’m good.” Jess felt like an idiot. What was wrong with her? She was supposed to sound sophisticated, but she couldn’t seem to find any sophisticated words in her repertoire now that she was standing right beside him.

“I just ordered a mojito. Would you like one?” he asked her, as her heart sped up.

“Would Hemingway?” she finally found her wits once again, thankfully.

He smiled approvingly, “Can I get another please?” he directed the bartender.

While they waited, Jess stole a glance at her table; an older woman had approached Warren and, judging by the way he was smiling and nodding, she didn’t need to worry about hurrying back to keep him company.

The bartender approached and threw a cocktail napkin down in front of her before placing her mojito on it, “Enjoy.” he said.

As Jess picked it up, the man beside her held his towards her, “Cheers.” he said.

“Cheers,” Jess tapped her glass against his, and then took a good, solid drink. It hit just right. She took another, and said, “You never told me your name.”

“Ezra Nash, and you are?”

“Jessica Abello, but you can call me Jess.”

“So, what do you write, Jess Abello?”

“All sorts of things, but mostly romance.” she watched for his reaction. Would he be one of those writers that looked down on romance, thinking it wasn’t ‘real’ writing?”

Ezra nodded, appreciatively, “I’ve heard that’s a tough crowd to please. You have my respect.”

Jess glowed. Could be the rum, she supposed, but it was probably him, “And you, what do you write?”

“Actually, I don’t…”

Jess raised her brows in shock.

“Books, I mean. I don’t write books. Yet. I want to. I just haven’t actually started.”

“What are you waiting for?”

“Inspiration, I guess.”

Jess chuckled, “Did you find it here at the conference?”

“Maybe,” his eyes found hers, “Maybe I have.”

Feeling warm, Jess put her glass to her lips, her eyes never leaving his. She took a sip, enjoying the way he watched her, and then she asked, “So, Ezra, what do you do while you’re waiting for inspiration?”

“I’m a paramedic up in New Haven.”

“Can you get any more perfect?” The words shot out of her mouth before she could stop them. Horrified, all she could do was watch his perfect jaw drop open in shock at her forwardness. Hell, she might as well have jumped right in his arms and asked him to take her up to his room to ravish her immediately.

He recovered quickly and gifted her with a breathtaking smile. As he leaned in to say something, though, a woman rushed up and grabbed him by the arm and started dragging him off, saying, “Ezra, Ezra come on, they’re starting trivia and we need you to help us win.”

As he got swept off, he turned and gave her a bemused shrug.

It was just as well, Jess decided as she finished her drink, and then, for good measure, finished Ezra’s too.


“Thank you so much for attending, folks, and we’ll see you next year.”

Jess clapped along for a moment, feeling wistful, now that the conference was over. She looked around the room, her eyes stopping every now and then on a familiar face, silently hoping that they would finish whatever novel they were working on and find publishers.

She startled when she felt a hand touch her elbow and turned around, smack into Ezra’s decidedly muscular chest.

“Well, hello there.” she left her hand resting against said, firm, chest, and grinned up at his handsome face.

Ezra’s face lit up, “I want you to know that I couldn’t leave until I gave you this,” he handed her a slip of paper, “My number. I’d love to hear from you whenever you take a break from writing your bestseller.”

Jess tried not to snatch the paper from his hands too quickly, lest he think she was desperate, but of course she was over the moon. She looked down at the number and then back up to his face, “I’m sure it won’t be a bestseller, but yeah, I’d love to talk more. I’ll call. When is the best time?”

“Anytime. If I’m on shift, I won’t answer but just leave a message…”

“I hope I’m not interrupting,” Warren Wilson suddenly stopped right next to them, “But I just had to say goodbye…” he looked meaningfully at Jess, and then pointedly at Ezra.

Ezra took his cue, “No, not at all. I was just leaving. Got a plane to catch,” his hand wrapped around Jess’s, folding around her fingers, enveloping the slip of paper inside of her fist. He leaned down and whispered into her hair, “Call me.”

Jess followed him with her eyes as he walked away. She shoved the slip of paper deep into her pocket, feeling like she was floating on air. Suddenly, Warren’s voice managed to break through her dream fugue, and she looked at him as if he were a fly at a picnic, “What were you saying?” she managed to stammer.

“I was offering you use of a bolthole…”

“Did you say bolthole?” Jess immediately came to attention.

“I did, indeed,” Warren seemed happy to have her focus back on him, “Earlier, you mentioned that you would love a bolthole, and just so it happens, I have one.”

Jess’s eyes widened appreciatively, “Wow. I mean, wait, where is it, and how much would it cost me?”

“On the outskirts of Mystic, and I won’t charge you a dime. You can stay as long as you’d like.”

“Are you serious? Warren, I can’t even believe this.” Jess was beside herself. No one had ever done something so nice for her before.

Warren was smiling and nodding, clearly enjoying her reaction, “Believe it, Jess, because it’s true. The house belonged to my mother. It passed down to me when she died, years ago. I don’t need it, but I couldn’t let it go, so it’s sitting empty. It’s right on the beach, even. A perfect bolthole.”

Stunned silent, Jess considered the offer while simultaneously trying to figure out if the medical supply company that she worked for would allow her to take remote calls from Connecticut instead of Massachusetts.

Warren pulled his hands from his pocket and handed her a set of keys, “Let me write down the address for you really quick,” he grabbed a pencil off a nearby table and looked for a piece of paper, finally settling for a napkin by the picked over pastry box. He scribbled the address and proudly handed it to her, “There it is. I’ve kept the electricity and water on, so it should be all set for you. Oh, I should give you my phone number,” he reached for the napkin back and wrote out the number, then handed it back, “Just give me a call if you need anything.”

Flabbergasted, Jess tried to form a sentence, or even a word, but all she could manage was a series of strange animalistic sounds.

“I have to run,” Warren patted her shoulder, “Like I said, just give me a call if you need anything and I’ll be happy to help. Enjoy the place and finish that novel.”

As he rushed off, leaving her in a now, nearly empty, conference room, Jess collapsed into a chair wondering just what she’d done to deserve so many good things all happening at once.


It was pouring down rain as Jess turned the key and opened the door of Warren’s beach house. The interior was dark and gloomy from the clouds outside, so her hand immediately felt along the wall for the switch. She flicked it on and was rewarded with yellow light from a small chandelier in the center of the small room’s ceiling.

“Okay,” Jess’s voice seemed loud in the silence, “Small, but definitely cozy.” She dropped her bag down on the tufted beige sofa and wandered around, noting the old-fashioned console television that sat on the opposite wall from the sofa, and the end tables that could have come straight from the 1976 Sears catalog.

That room done, Jess walked into the kitchen, stopping to check that the fridge was cold, it was, and that there were dishes in the cupboard and pots and pans in which to cook in, and there were. Satisfied, she mentally made a note to google a nearby grocery store to put in a delivery order for supplies.

She spotted a back door whose small window was covered with a charming little curtain sewn out of fabric that was covered in small, pink roses. Curious, Jess opened the door and looked out. Unlike the front of the house, which opened onto the beach, the back of the house led onto scrub dotted dunes. Through the downpour, she could just make out another house far off in the distance, “Talk about peace and quiet, huh?” she whispered, happily.

She meandered into the hallway and up the creaky stairs. The upper floor had two bedrooms and a full bathroom.

“Tiny, but utterly charming,” Jess spoke into the stillness as she walked down the hall to the lone window that faced the ocean, “Thank you, Warren.”


Three days later, Jess had settled into her routine. She would take business calls during the morning, work on her novel during her lunch hour, go back to work calls for the afternoon, and then focus solely on writing for most of the evening. It wasn’t ideal; in a dream world, she would be able to write all day, but such was the life of a working woman.

At 4:30 p.m. on the dot, she took her headphones off and threw them on the desk. The desk was perfect for a writer, honestly, sitting right beneath a large window that faced an incredible view of the sea. She unplugged her work computer and moved her laptop front and center, but then her stomach growled, reminding her that the peanut butter and jelly sandwich she’d had for lunch wasn’t going to hold her over for long.

With a growl of annoyance, Jess went into the kitchen and stopped short; the back door was standing open. Suddenly nervous, she scanned the kitchen but didn’t see anything amiss. Had she accidentally forgotten to close it earlier, when she’d taken the trash out?

She sighed and stepped over to the door and closed it, this time making sure to turn the lock.

“Now, what should I have for dinner?” she spoke to herself, as she searched the fridge and then the cupboards. She finally settled on whipping up a quick tuna salad and having it with crackers along with a large glass of iced tea. Basic needs taken care of, Jess went back to her laptop and the ever-important task of moving her two main characters from bickering acquaintances to lovers.

Hours later, she finally lifted her tired eyes from the screen, surprised to see moonlit white caps on the ocean swells outside the window.

Her characters had finally come together in a blaze of passion, and she was feeling a bit hot under the collar herself, honestly. She picked up her phone, her fingers circling the screen as she contemplated calling Ezra. It was late. Was it too late?

“Oh, for Pete’s sake, Jess, it’s not that late,” she admonished herself, “Just call him already, damnit.”

Before she talked herself out of it, she tapped out the number he had given her and waited anxiously.


“Ezra? Hi, it’s me, Jess Abello.” she felt like she was back in high school all of a sudden.

“Jess, I’m glad you called.”

His voice was warm and rich, and honestly, she could listen to it night long.

“It’s not too late?”

“No, of course not. You can call me any time at all.”

Well now, Jess thought, he was definitely saying all the right things.

“I just finished getting my two characters together…”

“Together as in together?” he asked, in a way that made her squirm.

“Yes.” she said, in a way that she had hoped was soft and sexy, but actually came out like she had a frog in her throat.

Thankfully, he chose to ignore it, “So you’re back home in … wait, I don’t think I ever actually asked where you’re from.”

“Boston, but I’m not in Boston right now. Warren Wilson, the older gentleman that you met, he kindly offered me use of a bolthole…”

“Oh yeah? That’s crazy cool of him. Do you mind if I ask where this bolthole is?”

“It’s practically right on the beach…” Jess rattled off the address, and then paused as her senses suddenly kicked into high gear, “Hold on,” she spoke into the phone as she stood up and started walking towards the kitchen. A blast of cool night air touched the bare skin of her arms as she drew closer. She rounded the corner and frowned; the window above the kitchen sink was open and the wind was blowing the stiff white curtains like a flag, “That’s strange.” she whispered.

“What’s strange?” a tinny voice asked.

Jess jumped and then stared down at the phone still in her hand; she’d been so caught up that she’d forgotten that Ezra was still on the line. She brought the phone up to her ear, “The kitchen window is wide open, but I could’ve sworn that I never opened it.”

“Do you feel safe?” Ezra’s voice held a touch of concern.

Jess took a moment to look around the kitchen. Nothing was out of place. Maybe she had opened the window this morning when she’d been cleaning up and making her coffee for the day and just didn’t remember? She put the phone down on the counter and closed the window, making sure to twist the lock into place before she pulled the curtains closed.

She picked the phone back up, “Sorry about that. Everything’s fine,” she declared, eager to get back to their conversation.

“Forgot you opened it, is that it?” Ezra chuckled, “I can commiserate with you on that.”


“I’ve been trying to write since I got back home, and honestly I get so caught up in it that I forget to eat.”

“Ah, look at you, already turning into a real writer.”

They didn’t get off the phone until well after midnight. Jess knew that she would pay for it later, but she was so enthralled with Ezra that she didn’t even care. She turned off the lights and floated up the stairs on cloud nine. She was halfway down the hall before she realized that the lights were on in her bedroom. Her forehead settled into a confused grimace.

She charged quickly down the hall and stopped short at the doorway, “What the hell?” she whispered, as she immediately spotted the window thrown open, the night breezes blowing the gauzy white curtains into the room like ghosts. Her eyes fearfully darted around the room, but everything else seemed benign. Had she left the window open this morning? No, she was certain that she hadn’t even opened it, ever, since being in the house.

Jess crossed the room and reached over the small antique writing desk and shoved the window closed, decisively. She was getting scared but felt ridiculous for feeling that way because it was entirely plausible that she had opened the windows and had just forgotten about doing it. After all, she’d been living in writing mode lately, and was easily distracted. That had to be it. Nothing else made sense.

She hurried through her ablutions and climbed into bed, determined not to let anxiety get the best of her, but it was a long, restless night for her.


“How’s the book coming along?” Ezra asked, almost a week later.

“Surprisingly well, actually,” Jess took a sip of tea, “And you, have you had any luck?”

“Chapter five…”

“Chapter five!” Jess exclaimed, “Ezra, that’s incredible!”

“You think so?”

“I do.”

“Maybe I’m going too fast. Maybe it’s awful because I’m rushing it…”

“Stop,” Jess laughed, “You’re really starting to sound like a writer now.”

“What? All angsty and uncertain?”

“Exactly,” Jess shut her laptop and stood up to stretch, “Let’s just say it’s in the job description.”

She curled up on the sofa, sipping her tea, while he bemoaned the particular neurosis that all writers seemed to share. Outside, the light rain that had been coming down all day suddenly turned into a downpour that lashed against the windowpane, and she reached for the fluffy throw and burrowed beneath it.

Nearly an hour later, Ezra suddenly said, “Wait, what time is it?”

She glanced up at the clock on the mantel, “It’s nearing 7 o’clock. Why?”

“I promised my niece that I’d come to her dance recital. Jess, I gotta go…”

“No, no that’s okay. You promised.”

“I’ll try to call you later, if it’s not too late.”

As she finished the call, Jess wandered into the kitchen. She grabbed a few eggs and a block of medium cheddar from the fridge, along with some roasted asparagus left over from last night and set about making herself a quick omelet. While she waited to flip it, her eyes suddenly fell on the floor; dark smudges in a footprint pattern traced a line on the tile floor all the way to where the hardwood began at the doorway to the living room.

Jess dropped the spatula on the counter as she went to investigate. The hairs on the back of her arm stood up as she knelt down and saw the, still damp, dirt mixed with sand. She stood up, her eyes immediately going to the back door where the footsteps began. It was unlocked. Someone had come in. Someone had come into the house and had stood just feet away from where she had been working, and she’d never even known they were there. She was certain that she’d locked the door. Or had she? She’d taken to walking along the beach every morning before breakfast. She must have left the door unlocked, but that didn’t explain who had come in, and why.

“I’m calling Warren,” Jess said out loud, as if warning someone of her intentions. She found his number in her phone and tapped it, then waited for him to pick up, “Come on, Warren, answer your damn phone.”

The line rang and rang until finally she hung up. Should she call the police? They could come do a search, but honestly, with the way the rain was coming down, all of the tracks would surely be washed away by now.

The smell of burning egg finally brought her back to the moment. Frazzled, Jess took the pan off the stove, turned off the burner, and searched in the drawer for the longest, most terrifying knife she could find. She would keep it with her, just in case. Feeling marginally better, she locked the back door and then made a complete circuit around the entire bottom floor, checking that every window and door was locked, before starting up the stairs to the do the top floor. When she got to the bedroom, she double checked that the windows were locked before dropping onto the bed with the knife still clutched tightly in her hand.

“I should leave,” she spoke into the quiet room, “I should book a flight right now and get the hell out of here.”

Jess closed her eyes, allowing herself a moment to feel defeated as she decided that she would book a flight, pack her things, and try to get a hold of Warren one last time. If he still wouldn’t answer the phone, then she would just leave him a voicemail. Decision made; she opened her eyes as she fished in her pocket for her phone. She was staring straight up at a worn wooden beam on the ceiling, and, for the first time, she noticed what looked like a thin arrow scratched into it.

Jess squinted as she tried to figure out if the mark seemed deliberately made. She stood up on the bed so that she could get closer to the mark. From this close, it was easy to see that it had been scratched into the wooden beam. She looked over at the wall that the arrow pointed at and frowned. Two, dark walnut, floor-to-ceiling bookcases flanked a matching, ornately carved, wardrobe.

“Don’t.” Jess warned herself, even as she jumped down off of the bed and approached the right bookcase. She’d never thought to look at the selection, having been too busy with her own writing. Now, she quickly scanned the titles. It was a bookstore collection, certainly, with romance, travel, self-help, cookbooks, history, and mysteries. Jess stepped over to the next bookcase and saw that it held the same. Flummoxed, she was about to open the wardrobe, which she knew to contain her clothes, when her eyes landed on a book that stood out from all the rest. It was a children’s book, one that she knew well. She slid the book out and carried it over to the bed, intending to just page through it quickly, but when she opened it, she saw that the interior pages had been cut into, leaving a cavity in the middle. A flash drive rested neatly inside the cavity.

“Ok, that’s weird,” Jess whispered, as she took the flash drive out and set the book down on the bed. For a few moments she considered putting everything back and doing what she was supposed to be doing, but curiosity got the better of her and she reached for her laptop. Minutes later, a manuscript of a memoir filled her screen. It was called, My Mother, Gone Away, by Katherine Wilson. Jess’s brows knitted together as she considered the name. Related to Warren then, she thought. Had to be. She started skimming, stopping periodically whenever something interesting came up. When she reached a section of black and white photographs, Jess smiled at several photos of a much younger, Warren Wilson. One was clearly a wedding day photo. Warren’s arm was slung around the shoulder of a beautiful young bride, and his expression was proud and hopeful. Another showed the young woman, now heavily pregnant, posing in front of a house. Jess leaned in and studied the picture closely. She was certain that the house was the very one that she was in right now. The next photo was Warren and his wife, now with a baby proudly held between them.

“Sweet,” Jess murmured, as she continued flipping through the pages, watching as the baby grew into a young teenager. Somewhere around that time, Jess realized that the mother had disappeared from the pictures, “Divorce?” she mused.

She continued scrolling through the manuscript, half- heartedly, until she came across the chapter titled, My Mother Was Murdered.

Jess’s eyebrows shot up, “Now this is interesting,” she said, as she rearranged the pillows and sat back against them, propping the laptop against her knees. She read quickly, and as she neared the end of the manuscript, her eyes flew over to the wardrobe, “No way,” she hissed, “No fucking way.”

A powerful fear swept over her. If what the manuscript said was true, then she should get out of the house immediately, only now she had to know. She just had to. She would never rest until she knew for sure.

Jess slid the laptop off onto the bed and stood up. She opened the wardrobe revealing her clothes hanging from a rod. On top of the rod was a small shelf where she had stored her luggage, and down below her clothes was where she had placed the few pairs of shoes she had brought. Now she pulled everything out and tossed it all haphazardly onto the bed. When it was empty, she stepped closer, looking into the shadowy interior, but there appeared to be nothing but a solid panel in the back. Jess leaned further inside and began to run her hand across the panel.

“Looking for something?” a familiar voice suddenly asked from behind her.

With a shriek of alarm, Jess stood upright and slammed her head hard against the inside of the wardrobe.

Before she could back out of the wardrobe, Jess’s arms were grabbed, and she was yanked out and tossed roughly onto the bed. Her eyes caught sight of the gun that Warren Wilson held pointed in her direction.

“I see you’ve been doing some snooping,” Warren chuckled, menacingly, “But why in there, my dear?”

Jess’s eyes automatically went to her computer, but it was hidden under the pile of clothes that she’d thrown on the bed. He couldn’t know about the flash drive then. Maybe she could bluff her way out. She attempted a welcoming smile, “Warren, I didn’t know you were coming. I… I was uh, I was just sorting through my uh, my things and you know… rearranging them…”

Warren scowled, “My wife was a writer. Did I mention that?”

Jess slowly shook her head, as she considered the stupidity of attempting to make a move for the door.

“Well, she was. An awful one at that. Filling page after page with lies about me. I stopped her though. I stopped her good.”

Alarmed by the crazed look in Warren’s eyes, Jess tried to feel around for her phone. If she could just find it, maybe she could press the side buttons and contact the police. She sat upright, “I never even knew you were married, Warren.” she tried to keep her tone conversational as she took the opportunity to move a pile of pants from under her leg, whilst also feeling for her phone or the knife.

“My daughter, unfortunately, decided to follow in her mother’s footsteps,” Warren momentarily looked sad, but then he shrugged, “Of course I had no choice but to put a stop to her lies as well.”

“You never mentioned her. I’m sure I would have remembered, Warren.” Jess wiggled a bit, sliding her hand under the mound of shirts on hangers.

“I know what you’re doing, Jess.” Warren suddenly lunged forward and grabbed her arm.

Jess yelped as his fingers bit into her arm. He yanked her upright and jabbed the gun into her ribcage as he came up behind her, encircling her neck with his other arm.

“You women always think you’re so smart, don’t you?” he hissed into her ear, “Thought you could pull one over on me.”

Gasping for breath, Jess reached up and tried to lower his arm away from her throat, but her movement only served to make him clench his arm even more. She tried to kick him, but he shoved the gun barrel forcefully into her side until she cried out from the pain.

Ignoring her, Warren shoved her forward as he moved them both towards the wardrobe. When they were standing right in front of it, he pulled the gun away but tightened his grip around her throat as he used his knuckles to rap against the side of the cabinet. The back panel suddenly slid off to the left, revealing a hidden room.

“Looking for that, weren’t you?” Warren growled into her ear.

Jess shook her head as best she could.

“Liar,” he snarled, “Why were you snooping, huh? Tell me!”

“I… I wasn’t,” Jess could barely get the words out, “I told you, I was just re…”

“Shut the fuck up,” Warren shoved her forward, into the small room. She fell to the floor as he came up behind her, “You’re a liar just like them.”

He reached down and pulled her head up, forcing her to look at the nearly decomposed body that was chained to a rail right in front of her.

Jess shrieked as she tried in vain to escape his grip, but he was surprisingly strong.

He hauled her to her feet, grabbed her by her hair and forced her to look at the other three skeletons chained around the room, “See what happens to liars, Jess?”

“No, no,” Jess tried to twist out of his arms as he moved her towards the rail, “Warren stop. Don’t do this…”

He lifted his arm and brought the gun down against the back of her head hard enough to make her see stars.

Jess blinked furiously as she tried to keep from passing out. If she did, she would surely wake up chained to the rail like the others. She wanted to cry, she wanted to beg for her life, but she had to stay calm and think. It was the only way she could save herself.

She had made herself a dead weight and Jess could hear Warren grunt from exertion as he fought to get her closer to the rail. Though her vision was blurry, she could see the length of chain and a handcuff hanging down. She knew he had prepared it for her, just as he’d obviously prepared for the ones that had come before her.

It was now or never. Jess steeled herself, and, with a burst of movement, she thrust upwards. As her entire body made contact, Warren released her as he slid off to the side and went down to his knees. Adrenaline pumped through Jess’s body, helping her to ignore the pain that exploded through the back of her head and all along her shoulders as she rounded on him. The gun had dropped out of his hand and she kicked at it, missed, and kicked at it again. It slid across the room just as he came to his senses and started to move.

Peripherally, Jess became aware of a clatter of noise coming from somewhere inside of the house, as she rushed Warren, intending to knock him back down, but in the scuffle, he managed to grab her legs and yank her down to the floor.

She flailed, pummeling him with her hands and legs, finally managing to free herself enough to crawl away, but she didn’t get far before him lunged after her. His weight dropped across the back of her legs but she could see the length of chain just in front of her and it drove her forward, pulling him right along with her as she drew closer.

Suddenly, she felt his weight lift off of her and she knew what he was about to do, but she didn’t turn around to try to fight him off. Instead, she grabbed the handcuff and the moment that she felt his hand grab her shoulder, Jess brought her hand up and slammed the cuff down on his wrist.

“Stop right there and raise your hands above your head!” a commanding voice suddenly boomed from behind them.

Warren lifted his hands and Jess fell away from him. She looked at the doorway where several police officers were rushing into the room. As they parted, a man stopped at the door, his face a mixture of outright fear, and hope.

“Ezra?” Jess whispered.


“But I don’t understand,” Jess lifted her eyes away from the paramedic long enough to glance at Ezra, standing at the door of the ambulance where she was getting checked over, “How did you know that I needed help?”

“Well, after you kept mentioning all of the weird things that kept happening here, I got worried, and I started doing some research. It wasn’t too difficult honestly. I put in the address here and it led to a five-year-old article about a writer that had disappeared in the area. Her name was Lara Montgomery.”

A tear slowly slid down Jess’s cheek as she thought of the women that had been chained in the room in the house behind them.

“She’d apparently told her father that she’d been offered a place to write by a friend at a writer’s conference…”

“Warren Wilson.”

“Obviously,” he agreed, “However, when his daughter failed to ever come home, the man finally decided to go to the police, but he didn’t have much to go on. He didn’t know what conference she had attended, or where the place that had been offered was located, so the police weren’t much help. It’s still an active missing person case.”

“Five years ago, so it had to have happened again more recently.” Jess scowled, remembering the decomposing body.

“There was another missing person case filed at the end of last year. A woman by the name of Avery Polantz. Another writer. Reported missing by a neighbor who lived in the apartment next door. She told the police that Avery had went to a writer’s conference in Connecticut, but it was never connected to Mystic, or, to Warren Wilson.”

“The other two are his wife and daughter,” Jess said, and then, “Wait,” she pushed the paramedic aside and stood up quickly, “The flash drive. I have to give it to the police. Warren’s daughter, Katherine, she found out that her dad had killed her mother. She’d been told her whole life that her mother had taken a lover and had abandoned them to go off with him. But she figured it out. She must have found the room and the… the skeleton of her mother. It’s all there on the flash drive.”

Ezra enveloped her in his arms, providing a safe harbor against the cold sea spray, and, even more importantly, her growing realization that she had nearly joined those poor women in the long, agonizing death that Warren had forced them to endure.

Through tears, Jess watched as the police brought Warren Wilson in handcuffs, out of the house and put him into the back of a patrol car.

She trembled and felt Ezra’s arms tighten soothingly around her, “I almost died.” she said.

“You did.” he said.

“But I stopped him.” she proclaimed, with a touch of pride straightening her spine.

“Damn straight you did.” Ezra affirmed, with a proud nod of his own.

Jess reached for his hand. She didn’t want to go back into that house of horrors again, but Katherine’s words deserved to be heard, and Warren Wilson deserved to die the same way that he’d forced those women to die, locked in a prison cell. He would too. She would make sure of it.

The Neighborhood Watch

“Off you go, Rudy,” Evelyn Forrester tapped the chihuahua’s rump and endured his clear annoyance as he jumped down to the rag rug under the rocking chair, “And you can stop with the pitiful act too, mister,” she grunted as she stood up slowly, frowning as her arthritic knee throbbed. She sat her knitting down on the chair and shuffled over to have a look out the window, “Let’s see what’s going on this morning, shall we?”

She stood there for several minutes, disappointed that nothing was moving outside, until finally she spotted Bob Jones coming out of his ugly brown house two doors up and off to the right. She lifted a disapproving brow; he was late to work again. That was the second time this week. What was wrong with young people these days?

A blue SUV came up the street and pulled into the driveway directly across from Evelyn’s house. Evie Barkley slid out of the front and gingerly walked around the vehicle. She opened the back door and reached in. A few moments later, she stood up, her six-month-old baby girl, Baylee, or Carlee, or something like that, in her arms. She started up the path towards the house, walking slowly and tentatively, which piqued Evelyn’s interest.

“Must have worked out too hard.” Evelyn muttered, as she let the curtain drop back into place.

The Barkley’s were what Evelyn called ‘health nuts.’ They had moved into the Torres’ house after Emanuel Torres had passed away nearly three years earlier. When they had first moved in, of course Evelyn had gone over with a plate of her famous sugar cookies and introduced herself. The husband, Jordan, had opened the door. He’d taken one look at the plate of cookies and said, “We don’t allow that crap in our house.” The wife, Evie, had gasped from behind his body builder girth and rushed to add, “We’re careful with our diets, but thank you so much for coming over and welcoming us to the neighborhood.”

From that moment on, Evelyn had kept her distance. That didn’t mean that she didn’t watch them, though. Oh, she watched them. It was one of her favorite past times.

Rudy barked and pranced on his little deer legs until Evelyn slid her feet into her new outdoor slippers, “All right, all right, I’ll take you outside so shut your yapper.” she walked through the kitchen and opened up the door that led into her small back yard.

Rudy ran off to do his business while Evelyn stood on her patio. The morning sun was inviting, so she lifted her face to it for a few minutes.

“Do you have your sunscreen on, Ms. Evelyn?”

Evelyn dropped her face and turned to look at her neighbor, Mason Vanderwall. He and his partner, Stellan Olson, were some of her very favorite people, but, alas, also nosy.

“I need my vitamin D, Mason.” she growled, as Rudy ran up to the fence and made jumping movements until Mason reached over the fence and lifted him up into his arms.

“How was work?” Evelyn softened and meandered over to the fence.

Mason’s lips drooped into a frown, “Rough. Two of them last night, but I think I got them the help they need, so I suppose it was rough but productive.”

Evelyn shook her head sympathetically; Mason worked at a suicide hot line in the evenings, and a food bank every other day. She didn’t know how he kept a smile on his face most of the time, but he did, “And, Stellan, how’s his practice coming along?”

Mason’s face brightened as he tried unsuccessfully to avoid Rudy’s tongue going up his nose, “He’s for sure going to make partner this month, I’m certain of it. So sure, that I’m having people over next weekend to celebrate. You absolutely have to come, and bring that delightful retro salad stuff,” he dropped Rudy into her arms, “What was it called again?”

“Watergate salad.”

“Perfect. Bring that,” he tossed over his shoulder, already heading for his deck, “I’ll see you then, love.”

Evelyn rolled her eyes but inside she was pleased. It felt good to be needed. She’d never married. Never had children. And back in her younger days, she had loved her independence, but lately she’d become aware that she was a touch lonely. She’d been toying with the idea of doing some volunteer work. Perhaps tomorrow she would do some research, she decided, as she and Rudy headed back inside.


The following morning, Evelyn woke up with a renewed sense of purpose. She sliced a nice tomato from her garden, made a scrambled egg, and toasted a slice of 7-grain bread, then spread it liberally with butter. A cup of strong coffee finished it off.

Breakfast done, Evelyn got dressed and tossed a nice scarf over her hair so that she wouldn’t have to bother fiddling with her errant curls.

Rudy was prancing around her feet. She poured him some kibble and when he had turned his attention to eating, she hurried to the front door, feeling bad that she couldn’t take him with her.

She still drove. Still had her driver’s license. She had to go down to the driver’s license bureau every three years to renew the damn thing, but she had no intention of giving it up any time soon. She slid into the front seat of her 2005 Impala, started it, and backed out of the driveway, planning to first head to the library, and then, if she still felt up to it after that, the grade school and the hospital.


Evelyn had a smile on her face as she drove home. She had an appointment to read to some preschoolers tomorrow, and every Wednesday after, for as long as she desired. It was sort of exciting. And then she spotted Evie walking with the baby on her hip, and several bags of groceries hanging off her arm.

“Well, heaven’s sake,” Evelyn muttered, “I suppose that’s more exercise than driving, but geez,” she checked her rearview and didn’t see any cars behind her, so she moved over towards the curb and rolled down her window, calling out, “Can I offer you a ride, neighbor?”

Evie turned around, looking as frazzled as one would expect her to look, all things considered. Her face fell even further when she saw Evelyn, “Ah, uh, hi, Evelyn,” she attempted a nonchalant smile, “No, we were, uh… we were just out for some fresh air and I thought, might as well pick up some groceries. Kill two birds with one stone, right?”

Evelyn was aware that she probably looked dubious, but she nodded in agreement, nonetheless, “Sure. Sure. Still, you’re several blocks away from home. I don’t mind giving you a lift.”

“No, no we’re perfectly fine, but thanks anyway.” Evie started walking away.

“Fine. Suit yourself.” Evelyn mumbled to herself as she rolled up the window, checked her mirrors and pulled away from the curb back out onto the street. Young people these days, she thought, as she drove off, leaving the young woman and her little girl in her rearview mirror.


“Evelyn, my love, this is just delightful,” Stellan blew a kiss at her from across the dining table, “And of course I didn’t forget you, love of my life,” he blew another kiss at Mason, “Thank you for a truly amazing dinner with my nearest and dearest.”

Mason’s cheeks were pink from the free-flowing wine and the attentions of everyone around the table, “Oh, stop! You’re the truly amazing one, Stellan, and we all know it.” he cooed.

Evelyn was feeling a little warm as she lifted her glass of wine and took another long drink. She used to handle her liquor better than this, she mused. But the company was lovely, and the food had been delicious, and who was she not to partake?

Eventually the party moved out into the backyard. The men had strung lights across the deck and filled wooden troughs with ice and beverages. As Stellan hurried to light the firepit, Evelyn wandered over to a chair near the edge of the deck and took a seat. She wasn’t used to staying up past 8:00 p.m. these days.

Mason noticed and peeled himself away from a group of friends, “How are you holding up, Ms. Evelyn? Do you need me to get you some water?”

“No, don’t make a fuss now,” she waved her hands at him, “Go on and spend time with your friends and leave this old woman to rest.”

Mason sighed, “If you insist,” he started to move away and then stopped, “Oh, I meant to tell you, I saw the strangest thing yesterday morning. You know I go in super early on Friday mornings? Anyway, so there I am, it’s what… 4:40 a.m., getting ready to back out of the driveway, and I happen to notice Evie from across the street, and she’s doing jumping jacks in her driveway! I mean, who even does that?” he leaned in closer and added, “I was about to get out of the car and ask her when her husband came out of the house and they looked like they were getting into it, so I decided against it and went on my way, but” he shook his shoulders melodramatically, “something odd is going on over there, let me tell you.”

A gray eyebrow shot up as Evelyn considered his words. Odd, indeed. She opened her mouth, preparing to tell him about the other day, but decided against it. Perhaps it was time to go have a nice, neighborly chat with Evie?


Evelyn moved the fork rapidly over the apple granola cookies, drizzling them with melted peanut butter. Finished, she sat the utensil down and picked up one of the treats, “No one can say I’m not trying,” she muttered, as she took a bite. She chewed, surprise etching her face. It wasn’t half bad, actually.

She glanced at the clock on the microwave. She’d have to hurry if she wanted to get over there for a chat before Evie left to pick up her oldest.

“Rudy, go lay down,” she picked up the container of cookies and shooed him away, “Go on. Go get in your bed. Mama’ll be back soon.”

By the time she got across the street, after having had to chase Rudy back in the house, Evelyn felt sure that the container of treats must be looking a right mess, but it was all in how you presented them, wasn’t it, she thought, as she tapped on the door and waited.

The door swung open. Evie’s face was flushed, her hair sticking to her damp skin. She looked dismayed to find Evelyn standing there, but she quickly covered it by smiling brightly, “Evelyn! Hello. What a surprise. I must look a sight. I was just finishing up a workout.”

Evelyn presented the container like she was offering Evie the finest Belgium chocolate, “For you, my dear. Apple granola cookies with peanut butter drizzle. They’re healthy, at least according to the cookbook.”

“Oh, you didn’t have to do that, Evelyn.” Evie said, as Evelyn pushed the container closer.

“Sure, I did,” Evelyn insisted, “Say, do you mind if I stay for a visit? Just for a bit, of course.”

A disgruntled expression was working its way across Evie’s face. Knowing what that meant, Evelyn shoved past her, determined to see this neighborly chat through.

“Actually, I was just on my way out the door. I have to pick Santi up after school.”

Evelyn’s eyes swept through the house. It was immaculate. Not a stray coffee cup forgotten on the side table, or a toy left on the living room rug, or, for that matter, even a book draped over the arm of the couch. How in the world did this woman manage that? And with two kids? She whirled around, “Mason Vanderwall was just telling me that he saw you out doing jumping jacks at 4:00 a.m. in the morning. Is that true?”

Evie looked taken aback, “Well, uh, I mean… I didn’t think it was quite that early.”

A quick snort came, unbidden, from Evelyn’s throat, “I hardly think you need to be worrying about jumping jacks, dear. You’re far too thin as it is.”

“Well, I’m just so busy with the kids that I try to fit in exercise when I can.” she offered.

There was an underlying current flowing somewhere just below the surface of their conversation. Evelyn had tapped into it almost immediately, but she wasn’t sure where to take it. Finally, she said, “My raspberries are just about ready for picking. Why don’t you and the little ones come over later this week and help me. You can take some off my hands.”

“Oh, that’s very kind of you, but…”

“No buts,” Evelyn quickly said, “I insist. You can’t leave me with all those darn berries that I’ll never eat, can you?”

With a sigh, Evie shrugged, “Okay, I suppose we could come by. Would Thursday be fine?”

“That’ll work, dear,” Evelyn walked to the door, “Now I’ll let you get off to pick up, Sam, from school.”

“It’s Santi,” Evie piped up, “Short for Santiago.”

“Sure, dear. I’ll try to remember.”

Evelyn crossed the street. Rudy jumped on her legs as soon as she opened the door and stepped inside, “Get down, you wild animal,” she admonished him as she went to close the door. Across the way, Evie had put her daughter into one of those sling things and was walking right past the SUV parked in the driveway. Evelyn shook her head in wonder when she noticed, “Whatever is wrong with that woman?” she asked Rudy, as he pranced around her feet and barked to be picked up.


Thursday afternoon, Evelyn busied herself with spot cleaning, which, if she were being honest, generally meant that if it looked a bit untidy she would spend a few moments wiping it, or sweeping it, or even picking it up and moving it somewhere you couldn’t see it. It worked a charm. She stepped back and declared, “Not bad, Rudy,” he yipped and danced in a circle, “And look, I’ll even leave your little lion toy laying right there in the middle of the rug.”

Rudy suddenly dissolved into a barking fit as he raced for the front door, letting Evelyn know that her guests had arrived before they had even had a chance to knock on the door. She felt a little giddy as she moved to open it. She hadn’t had guests in a long while. She paused and smoothed her house dress down her front and gave a final pat to her hair, before opening the door with a welcoming smile.

“Oohh, look at the little doggie, Mommy,” Evie’s little boy cried, his eyes huge in his small face, “He’s so little. Why is he so little?”

“Little but mighty,” Evie began.

“Mighty loud,” Evelyn stepped aside and ushered them inside, “Rudy, stop that infernal yapping this instant or it’s the bedroom for you.”

Rudy, smart dog that he was, immediately took to Santi like nobody’s business, and the boy reciprocated, dropping down to the floor as Rudy jumped on him, covering him in excited licks.

“All bark and no bite with that one,” Evelyn smiled, “Come on into the kitchen,” she said to Evie, as she led her and the baby into the next room, “I’ve made us some iced tea. Hope you don’t mind.”

“No, not at all,” Evie said, as she took the proffered glass, “But you didn’t have to go to all the trouble.”

“No trouble,” Evelyn took a seat at the kitchen table, hoping to show by example, “I always switch to iced tea when it’s hot out.”

“Well, it’s certainly that,” Evie said, agreeably, as she shifted the baby girl in her arms, “It must be close to a hundred degrees out today.”

“Ninety-nine and some change,” Evelyn pulled her brows up, “Here, why don’t I take Baylee…”

“Carolee,” Evie corrected her, “Carolee Corinne Barkley.”

“Well, she’s certainly adorable,” Evelyn tapped the table nervously. She was trying to decide how best to broach what was most likely going to be a touchy subject. Finally, because it was in her nature to do so, she blurted out, “You, though, my dear, look positively frazzled. I don’t know what makes you think that you need to keep an immaculate house and exercise till you’re barely able to stand upright, but I’m here to tell you that you’ll most certainly be more content if you’re not trying to chase perfection.” There. She’d said it. Maybe not the way she should have said it, but at least it was out there, in all of its honest imperfectness.

Evelyn darted a quick glance at Evie, whose face was registering the very essence of restrained shock.

A tiny smidge of regret made Evelyn feel warm in the face; she hadn’t meant to cause Evie discomfort. She reached out and placed a hand on Evie’s shoulder, “I’m sorry, my dear, I didn’t mean for it to come out that way. I’m afraid living alone all these years has made me forget social graces…”

“Oh, no. No, that’s okay,” Evie rushed to make sure that Evelyn didn’t feel bad, showing exactly how social graces were meant to work, “I didn’t take offense,” she suddenly handed Carolee over, surprising Evelyn, and then sank down into the chair with an air of defeat about her. She shook her head, a small smile playing on her lips, “I guess it must seem that way to you, but honestly, I’m not trying to be perfect. I’m just trying to stay on top of everything and most of the time I feel like I’m failing.”

“Failing?” Evelyn nearly screeched. She then remembered the little girl in her arms and adjusted her tone when she added, “Whatever gives you that idea?”

“Have you seen the house interiors on the Gram? It’s insane how gorgeous they are. And the fitness influencers with their perfect abs and butts and arms. And don’t even get me started on all the mom groups that are loaded with advice on how to be a better parent. I mean, it’s kind of hard to compare yourself and not think you’re failing, right?”

Evelyn frowned. She had no idea what this Gram was that Evie mentioned, or, for that matter, what the heck an influencer was. And a mom group? What was a mom group? Perhaps she was behind the times, she mused.

Carolee reached for the glass of tea, bringing Evelyn back to the situation at hand. She quickly grabbed the glass and placed it out of reach before dropping a flurry of kisses on the little girl’s head. Carolee giggled and it was easily the sweetest sound that Evelyn had ever heard.

“I think she likes you.” Evie finally reached for her tea and took a satisfyingly long gulp, “Wow, this is pretty good.” she said, right before she slammed the rest of the drink back.

“It does hit the spot,” Evelyn smiled, pleased as punch that the young woman seemed to be loosening up. She leaned forward and asked, “And your husband, he’s not the one expecting you to be perfect, is he?”

Evie crossed her arms over her chest in a way that told Evelyn that she was feeling vulnerable, “Pfft,” Evie rolled her eyes, “He tries to tell me he doesn’t care, but let’s be clear,” her voice had a sudden sharp edge to it, “If I suddenly stopped exercising, and let the housework go, and didn’t always take responsibility for the kids, meaning he’d have to take over and not have time to meal prep and go to the gym, he’d be out of here in a heartbeat.”

Evelyn’s arms clutched the baby tighter, “Really?” she asked.

“Really.” Evie answered, firmly.


“So, I had a little visit with Evie the other day.” Evelyn handed Rudy over the fence to Mason. Off and on spatters of rain had cooled the air down considerably, drawing her and her neighbor outdoors to enjoy the brief respite from the heat.

“Oh, do tell me more.” Mason said, with a conspiratorial wink.

“Apparently this thing called the Gram, and mom groups are what makes her feel that she has to be perfect.”

Mason immediately began nodding, “That doesn’t surprise me. Social media can be a minefield these days, especially for young women.”

“But isn’t social media up to you,” Evelyn reached down and yanked a weed that she’d suddenly spotted. She raised back up, “Why don’t these women just stop going to these places on the internet if they don’t bring joy to their lives?”

Rudy started flailing his thin little legs, “Fine, down you go you little rascal,” Mason said, as he put him down on the lawn, “But no pooping. You can save that for your yard,” he turned back to Evelyn, “Ms. Evelyn, you don’t even know the half of it, trust me. Social media is, is… well, it’s hard to explain. It’s full of perfection, or, to put it better, what seems like perfection. Everyone, especially influencers …”

“There’s that word again.” Evelyn quipped.

“What? Influencers?” Mason frowned, “Let’s just say that if you are on social media, then you are also influenced by a stream of people that seem to be perfect. It doesn’t take long to start to feel that if you exercise like this, or wear this, or decorate your house like this, then you can finally achieve the perfect life that other people seem to have. Trust me, it’s a battle that everyone seems to fight these days. But, like I said, it seems to hit certain demographics more than others.”

“Shame,” Evelyn sighed, “Such a shame. Evie’s a wonderful person. I don’t know why she doesn’t see that. You don’t suppose her husband is contributing to making her feel inadequate, too?”

“Tell you what, Ms. Evelyn, how about I go have a friendly chat with him and see if I can get a read on him. You never know, maybe he’s the culprit.”

“Good, and keep me informed.”

“Will do,” Mason turned around and called for Rudy, who came running. Mason picked him up and put him in Evelyn’s arms, “Just give me a week or so.”


Evelyn closed the book and looked at the rapt faces of the children arranged in a semi-circle around her feet, “What a wonderful story. Did you like it?” she asked them, as her eyes found Evie, sitting on a bench in the back with Carolee on her lap.

When the children had left with their parents, Evelyn got up and wandered over to Evie, “Mind if I take a seat with you?” she asked.

Evie smiled and patted the empty space beside her, “Not at all. It certainly seems like you’re quite popular with the preschool crowd, Evelyn.”

Evelyn groaned a bit as she settled in beside Evie. She blew a raspberry at Carolee and smiled when the little girl smiled shyly back at her.

“It does seem that way. My audience grows with each reading,” Evelyn said, agreeably, “So, how’s things going with you?”

Evie shrugged, “Fine. Fine. I honestly don’t know why I stopped in. I bought some paint to redo my kitchen table and chairs and, I don’t know, I was driving by the library and I spotted your car in the lot and thought what the heck, maybe I’ll just drop in and say hi.”

Evelyn beamed as Carolee grew fussy. On a whim she reached her hands out and was shocked when the little one eagerly reached for her, too.

“Carolee, do you want to go to Evelyn?” Evie asked, equally surprised.

“Come here, darlin’,” Evelyn took her and started bouncing her on her knee, which sent Carolee into a fit of giggles, “Oh, the sound of that is like music to these old ears.” she admitted.

“She’s taken to you, that’s for sure.” Evie yawned and Evelyn took note of the dark smudges beneath her eyes.

“Is she sleeping good?” she asked.

Evie snorted, “I wish. She seems to think the middle of the night is playtime.”

“Surely, Jordan could get up at least every other time, huhm?”

“Oh no, no I would never ask him to do that,” Evie said, quickly, “He has to get up to go to work.”

“And what you do, dear? Taking care of this little one and seeing that your son gets off to school, as well as taking care of all the housework and cooking, and laundry I would imagine, what is all of that if it isn’t work, too?”

Evie’s expression was one of uncertainty, like she’d never heard the idea that what she did each and every day could actually qualify as ‘work.’

“You should ask him and see what he says,” Evelyn suggested, “You never know, maybe he’d enjoy being more involved with the children.”

“You really think so?”

“Well, I can’t see what it could hurt to at least ask,” Evelyn said, as she reached over and pulled Good Night Moon from a nearby library cart, “In the meantime, why don’t you take a few minutes to yourself. Maybe get one of those fancy coffee drinks everyone seems to like. I’ll be here reading to Carolee. Go on, we’ll be just fine.”

Half an hour later, Evie came back looking refreshed. She smiled when she spotted Carolee fast asleep in Evelyn’s arms.

“Here, let me take her.” she insisted, as she slid down on the bench beside them.

“I think that was just what the doctor ordered,” Evelyn gently placed the baby in her mom’s arms, “You look much happier, dear. And I didn’t mind at all. You know, if you ever need to take a break for whatever reason, I’m just across the street, dear.”

Evie glanced shyly down at her feet, “Oh, I couldn’t ask you to do that, Evelyn.” she rushed to say.

“You can, and you should.”

“All right, I’ll think on it,” Evie stood up, “Thank you, Evelyn, for everything. I do appreciate it. I can’t remember the last time I had a coffee without having to tend to one of the kiddos.”

“You’re very welcome, dear, and don’t forget my offer.” Evelyn watched the young woman leave and she thought what a lovely afternoon it had been, and then she remembered that Rudy was probably at that very minute tearing up one of her slippers because she was late getting home and that got her up and moving lickety-split.


“Stop fussing and spill the beans.” Evelyn shooed Mason’s offer of another pour of tea and nodded curtly at the Eames replica chair across the coffee table.

“Fine, but you could at least pretend to appreciate my hosting skills, Ms. Evelyn.” he placed the tea pot on the table and took a seat, pouting a little, which she chose to ignore.

“Tell me, how did it go with Jordan?” she prompted, as Rudy whined at her feet.

“Well, it went.” Mason procrastinated, still a bit miffed at being rushed.

Evelyn sighed inwardly, knowing full well what was required if she were to get the information that she desperately desired, “Maybe I do want one of those English cookies you made.”

Mason jumped up, “Changed your mind, did you?” he grinned, “I knew you couldn’t resist some of my famous Scottish shortbread.”

He disappeared in a whirl into the kitchen while Evelyn reached down and picked up Rudy and deposited him on her lap, aware that her actions would draw an evil glare from Mason when he returned. It did, but she made such a fuss over the shortbread that he promptly forgot and preened beneath her praise of the cookie’s delightfully buttery taste and melt in the mouth texture. Worked a charm, it did.

“Now then, do tell, how did the meeting with Jordan go?” she asked, as she dunked her shortbread in her tea, hoping that it was the proper thing to do.

“So, I took the tactic of pretending to be interested in his workout routine, if you can believe that,” Mason tilted his head down and looked at her through his lashes, “Not surprisingly, he was happy to fill me in on all the gory details. After we talked far too long about all that exercise gobble-de-goop, I finally asked him how important it was for his wife to be fit, and his answer shocked me…”

“What did he say?” Evelyn leaned forward, all ears.

Mason leaned forward, copying her, “He said that he thought she was too intense with it and that he wished she would relax a little.”

“Ohhh.” Evelyn leaned back and took it in.

Mason nodded enthusiastically, “And that’s when I said, well, have you told her that?”

“And what did he say?” she prompted.

“He said that he had, over and over. And that’s when I said, and I have to say that I was a bit worried about how it was going to be received, but I said, “Maybe she doesn’t think you really mean it when you’re all ripped like that.”

Evelyn’s sharp intake of air was quickly followed by, “Oh my. You didn’t really say that did you?”

“Of course, I did,” Mason winked rakishly, “And then I told him that I happened to have a lot of women friends and, while they always mentioned that they wished their husbands or boyfriends would really listen to them and take more initiative around the house and with the kids, none of them mentioned that they wished their husbands or boyfriends would work out more.”

“So true.” Evelyn confirmed.

“Right? And I think I hit a nerve, because he got all quiet after that, so we’ll see.”

“I suppose we will. You don’t think we’re meddling too much, do you?”


Evelyn shrugged, “I think I’d like another cookie, and another cup of tea.”


“Maybe you’ll be happier over there in the shade.” Evelyn muttered, as she dug a spider wort up. She’d been working in the front yard for an hour, but the sun was directly behind her now and the curls at the back of her neck were damp, and her knees were screaming from all the kneeling. She suddenly heard a young, excited voice getting closer and she turned to see Evie, her hand gripping Santi’s hand, while her other arm gripped Carolee against her hip as she crossed the street.

Evelyn jumped up or would have if she could have… it was probably more like an elephant heaving itself out of quicksand, she supposed, and turned to welcome them with a smile.

Santi dropped his mother’s hand and raced over to her. He gave her a quick hug and asked, “Ms. Evelyn, where’s Rudy? Can I play with Rudy?”

“Can I play with Rudy please?” Evie prompted him.

“Can I play with Rudy please?” Santi cried, “Please, please, please?”

“Of course, you may,” Evelyn told him, as she waited for Evie to catch up, “Shall we go inside? I made a fresh batch of lemonade just this morning.”

She ushered them in and as Santi made a dash for Rudy, Evie surprisingly sat a diaper bag down on the floor and placed Carolee in her arms, “Actually, Evelyn, I was hoping you wouldn’t mind watching the kids for a little bit? Not too long, of course, but Jordan wanted to take me out for an early dinner, and I remembered you saying that you wouldn’t mind?”

“Oh,” Evelyn was stunned but tried to hide it, “Oh sure. I certainly did say that I would help out. What a wonderful idea to go have dinner with your husband without the children, dear.”

Beaming, Evie dropped a kiss on her daughter’s cheek, “He said that we need to have a meaningful talk and he suggested that we not look at our phones the whole time. Of course, I’ll still have mine on just in case there’s an emergency. Oh, and we were at the zoo all day, so they’re probably tired.”

“Sure. Okay,” Evelyn shooed her to the door, “Off you go. I’ve got to go see what Santi and Rudy are up to because I don’t hear them anymore. Don’t worry about a thing, dear. I’ve got your number on my fridge.”

After she finally got Evie out the door, Evelyn rushed through the house, a babbling, Carolee, in her arms, half expecting to find Santi sticking a fork in a light socket. She looked in the kitchen, the bathroom, her sewing room, and finally rounded the corner to her bedroom, her heart pounding so hard she thought she might need to take another pill, only to discover Santi and Rudy curled up on her bed, fast asleep.

“I’ll be darned. Would you look at that, Carolee,” she looked down at the baby, “They’re all tuckered out and out of our hair. Let’s go see what I can find in the kitchen for you. I bet I have some cooked carrots in the fridge. You like carrots?”

Carolee blew a raspberry and giggled.


A few hours later, Evie arrived to find Evelyn in the kitchen making cookies with Carolee sitting square in the middle of the counter blocked in by stacks of bowls, and Santi covered in powdered sugar.

“Looks like I missed most of the fun.” she quipped.

The oven beeped, “Not if the fun is in the eating,” Evelyn grabbed an oven mitt and pulled out a tray of snickerdoodles as the smell of warm butter and cinnamon sugar wafted through the kitchen, “I made extra so you can take some home with you.”

Evelyn snuck a peek at Evie, expecting to see a look of discomfort on her face at the mention of the forbidden sweets going into her home, but she was just smiling warmly and, most importantly, agreeably.

“I take it that you had a lovely time?” Evelyn queried.

“We did. It’s been a while since we’ve been out just the two of us. I don’t know how to thank you, Evelyn.”

“Off you go, sir, and don’t give Rudy a bite, no matter how much he begs,” Evelyn said, as she handed Santi a cookie and watched as he ran off to find the dog. She turned to Evie, “No need to thank me, dear. I have had entirely too much fun today,” and then added, “What matters is that you and Jordan spent some time together alone.”

“Dinner was fantastic, truly. I hadn’t realized just how hard it is to have a good conversation when you are always having to tend to the children. And guess what? Jordan and I have decided to take a three-month sabbatical from social media. Isn’t that crazy? I wasn’t sure I wanted to, but I figured why not? We could try it for three months. Who knows, maybe it’ll be a good thing.”

Evelyn’s smile reached from ear to ear, “Why, I think that’s a wonderful idea. I have a feeling you’re going to love it.”

“I hope so.”

“You’ll see.” Evelyn grabbed a container and started putting the cookies into it, already planning a visit to Mason’s to fill him in on the good news.


“Oh my, it’s still plenty light out,” Evelyn grumbled when the doorbell rang. She grabbed the giant bowl piled high with candy from the side table while Rudy pranced around her feet, barking like he meant it, “Out of the way, you miserable cur, before you trip me up and I drop this entire bowl on your little head.”

The doorbell rang again as she opened the door. She screeched in delight upon seeing Santi, dressed as a lion, with a tan, yarn mane and whiskers drawn on his face, and sweet Carolee all done up in a bumble bee costume, with chenille pipe cleaner antennae bopping around on top of her curls.

“Trick or treat.” Santi thrust his pumpkin pail out towards her, eagerly.

“Santi, wait,” Evie pulled his hand back, “Remember? We came for a visit with Ms. Evelyn before we go trick or treating.”

“Oh, here for a visit? How lovely,” Evelyn stepped aside and allowed them to come inside, “I don’t think I’ve ever had such adorable visitors before.”

“You know, I actually made their costumes myself,” Evie said, proudly, as Santi ran to play with Rudy. She put Carolee down on the floor near the couch so that she could stand holding onto it, “And look. I think she’s going to take off walking any minute now.”

“Oh my,” Evelyn clasped her hands in delight, “She sure is getting big fast. And you made the costumes. You did a wonderful job, dear.”

Evie’s face glowed under her praise. She reached out and took Evelyn’s hand, “What I really came over to do was thank you…”

“Thank me? Whatever for?”

“Well, it’s because of you, Evelyn, that got me to thinking that maybe I was spending too much time on social media, and that maybe it was worse for me than I thought.”

“But I thought it was Jordan that suggested…”

“No, no it was. But I decided to agree to it because of you, Evelyn.”

Evelyn heard the passion in Evie’s voice, and noticed for the first time how Evie’s cheeks were glowing with health and happiness. Had she really had a hand in that?

“Honestly, I don’t know if I’ll ever go back to all of it now that I’ve seen how much better life is without it,” Evie grabbed a candy bar out of the bowl, unwrapped it, and took a big bite. She moaned with pleasure, “These were always my favorites.”

“Mine, too,” Evelyn held the bowl out, “Take a few more, dear. I’ve still got plenty.” Evelyn was marveling at the fact that Evie was eating candy and allowing herself to enjoy it. Only months ago, the thought would have been unheard of.

Evie sorted through the mix and pocketed a few more of the caramel nut candy bars and then said, “Oh, that reminds me, Jordan and I were planning on taking the kids on that Christmas train. You know the one I’m talking about? The one that serves hot chocolate and cake, and has Santa Claus come visit the children?”

“Yes, I’ve seen the ad on television. They would love that.”

“We’d like you to come with us, if you’d like. Our treat. I know the kids would love having you there, and so would we. I mean, after all, you’re kind of like their bonus grandma.”

Evelyn felt her heart lurch in her chest. Bonus grandma, Evie had called her. She’d long given up on that idea, but here it was, a gift from the universe, just handed to her like a wrapped package. Absolute joy was percolating through her, making her smile until it hurt. All she could manage was a nod.

“So, you’ll go?” Evie moved to wrap her arms around her, “That’s great. We’re going to have such an amazing time.”

Suddenly, Carolee let go of the couch and took three quick steps until she bumped into their legs and plopped to the ground.

Evelyn reached down and swooped her up into her arms, raining kisses on her sweet face, grateful that it helped hide the tears that were threatening to spill over. Apparently, she had a family now. They had chosen her.

A yapping Rudy came running by, quickly followed by Santi, who paused briefly to swipe a package of sour candy gummies out of the bowl. Carolee saw it and started crying for candy of her own, and none of it bothered Evelyn one bit. She’d never planned on being a grandma, but here she was, chosen, and she decided right then and there that she was going to choose it back, and enjoy every last bit of it because they needed her, and she needed them.


Quick Update


I’m sure that many of you have noticed that I have not posted any new stories in quite a while and first of all, I would like to offer my sincere apologies. I have been very busy working on getting a story ready to put up on Amazon, and unfortunately it has taken much longer than I had ever anticipated. I went into it thinking that since I had already written the book many years ago, it would simply be a matter of doing a bit of editing, making a cover, so on and so forth, and up on Amazon it would go. I should have known better. Anyway, to make a long story short, I decided to make more changes to the story, and then I decided to make more changes, and here we are, many months later. In my defense, I sincerely do believe the story is better for the attention I have given it, and I will debut a bit of it here on the blog hopefully very soon. It is not a short story though, so I will not be posting the entire story, but I hope that you will consider purchasing it if you enjoy where it’s going, once you read a bit of it.

So, in the meantime, I am back to working on a new story for the blog and I intend to get it posted as quick as I can, but no promises as to when. The story is finished when the story is finished, right?

Thank you for your patience.

R. Choate


Signs of Love

Elle A Rose

Chantel heard a new kid was starting today. In the small mundane town, she lived in her entire life, anything outside of the everyday norm was exciting news. Entering her second period class, she assumed the tall muscular male who stood next to the teacher’s desk was in fact the new kid. She wondered for a moment why Lynn, the sign language interpreter who typically worked with her older brother, Eddie, was also standing at the desk. When Lynn and Mr. Weston both frantically waved her over, she had a feeling she was about to find out.

“Oh, good, I’m glad you’re here.” Lynn exclaimed.

Stress was written all over her face. As Lynn spoke, she also used sign language. In an instant, Chantel understood what was wrong.

“Good morning, Lynn,” she signed back and looked to her new classmate. She found a beautiful set of hazel brown eyes staring back at her.

“Chantel, there seems to have been some confusion. This is Oliver Barton, the newest member of the student body,” Mr. Weston said. While he spoke, Lynn, in her agitated state translated. “The issue,” Mr. Weston continued, “is they’ve assigned Lynn as his interpreter.

“Which is going to leave Eddie without a translator,” Lynn cut in to say.

Chantel smiled and glanced back at Oliver.

“Hey,” she signed. “It’s nice to meet you.”

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A Quick Note:

Hello, dear readers! I would like to welcome a guest writer here to I heart a short story.

Her name is Elle A. Rose, and she is a wonderful writer whose works include Frozen, (click here for link), Hideaway Hill, (click here for link), Wayward Love, and others.

I am honored that she has agreed to post one of her stories here with us, Signs of Love, and I am certain that you will enjoy it.

Thank you, Elle, and thank you, readers.

Blog: http://reflectionsfromelle.blogspot.com

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Elle A Rose

Facebook: www.facebook.com/ellearose2012

Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/ElleARose

Author Page: www.amazon.com/author/ellea.rose

The Clairvoyant – A Short Story

The gift of second sight didn’t come to Faye Paterson until she was thirty-two, and gift wasn’t exactly the word that she would have used anyway. It was a curse really. A horrible, miserable, wretched curse, and she would give a heck of a whole lot to remove the curse and resume life the way that it had been before, only she couldn’t.

The first vision had come out of the blue while she had been getting ready to go to a movie with some friends. In her vision, the little girl that lived in the apartment across the hall from her, had wrenched free from her father’s grasp and darted into the street, only to be hit by a car.

Two weeks later, it came to pass, much to Faye’s horror.

And then, a few months later, she had another vision while she was out shopping with Cora, her best friend. She saw her friend in a boat. The boat was going fast. Too fast. Suddenly, it raised up out of the water and flipped over. After the vision, Faye had felt disoriented and had had to find a seat in the shop to sit down. Cora had been concerned, of course, but Faye had lied and said that she just needed to eat something. Later that night, alone in her apartment, Faye convinced herself that nothing like that could ever happen to Cora. Cora didn’t have a boat. Cora didn’t know anyone who had a boat. And, besides, it was the middle of winter.

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The Old Cider Mill

Katy Stanton noticed the sign first. The, once bright, hand painted lettering, that read Burton’s Apple Orchard, had faded until it was nearly the color of the weathered wood on which it had been so carefully painted long ago. Katy frowned as she turned off onto the lane that led down to her family’s cider mill. As she drove, her frown deepened. The gravel was sparse from the washout rains that came every so often, and overgrown trees were hanging over the road too, low enough that their branches would surely scrape the tops of the suburban SUV’s full of visitors come to pick apples and pumpkins from the surrounding fields. And why hadn’t anyone picked up all of the trash that those same visitors had thrown out of their windows as they left, she wondered.

“The place is falling apart.” she mused as she drove past the parking lots, and turned off onto the small road leading behind a stand of trees to the farmhouse where she had grown up, and where her parents still lived. She flipped her visor up, pushed her sunglasses up on top of her head, and stared forlornly at the house. It, too, looked worn down and just this side of derelict.

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A Family Found

Even the clickity-clack of keyboards seemed muted in the vast, open hall of the library as people searched industriously for the answers they were seeking. For Della Clarke, unfortunately, answers were hard to come by. But, today, today was different. Elation was rushing through her veins as she read and re-read the email from Margaret Pritcher, the genealogist that she’d hired. It read: Dear Ms. Clarke, after considerable efforts, I have managed to locate several of your DNA relatives, all of whom live in the town of Berwick-upon-Tweed, United Kingdom. I can’t give you names or addresses, unfortunately, given the legalities, but at least I can lead you to the general area, more or less. The rest is up to you. Perhaps you might consider a visit to Berwick-upon-Tweed, where you can access their records in more detail. Do let me know what you decide, and I sincerely hope you find the family connections you are searching for. Sincerely, Margaret Pritcher.

Della had known that her mother, Allison Clarke, had grown up in the north of England, and that she’d come to the States alone, and pregnant with her, but that was all that her mother been willing to share, and every time Della had asked for more, her mother had always quickly changed the subject, saying it wasn’t worth talking about.

She’d lost her mother two years ago, and during that time, her longing to reach out had only grown stronger. She was tired of being lonely. She wanted lunch dates and family reunions, family pictures and Christmas Eve dinners. She wanted a family.

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Luanna Finwith/The Briscoe Case – A mystery short story

“She’s out there again,” Jessa Fairchild’s fingers carefully searched the soapy water for any leftover silverware. Satisfied that she’d left not a single butter knife or fork behind, her fingers latched onto the plug and yanked on it, “That’s the third time this week.”

Zach, Jessa’s new husband, slid up behind her. He dropped a flurry of kisses on her cheek and down her throat, making her purr in delight.

“Stop,” Jessa wiggled away, “She’ll see us.”

“So what?” Zach glared out the kitchen window into the backyard, where the old woman stood beneath their white oak tree, “If she sees something that offends her, maybe she shouldn’t be standing in our damn yard.”

“Maybe she’s lonely.” Jessa frowned at the depressing thought.

“Maybe she’s just weird,” Zach started walking towards the sliding door, “I’m going to go tell her that she’s trespassing.”

Jessa grabbed his arm, “Zach, no. She’s not hurting anything. She’s just standing out there, looking at our house.”

“Jessa, it creeps me out. I mean, who does that, huh? Who the hell stands in someone’s yard and stares in at them?”

“I know. I know it’s strange,” Jessa stepped back to the window, “She’s gone, Zach. See.”


Two doors down, Barney Shiner’s dogs, Melba, a shepherd mix, and Chewie, a chihuahua, started barking excitedly as they raced to the back door.

Barney, who had, only minutes before, sat down in his recliner with his plate of spaghetti and flipped on his favorite crime show, cursed a blue streak, but the yelping continued, finally forcing him out of his chair to go find out what was the matter.

“Melba, Chewie, shut the hell up and go lie down,” Barney ordered, with his finger pointed in the direction of the living room, “Go. Now.”

Melba gave a final whine of discontent, but followed orders. Chewie stood his ground another full second, until Barney bellowed, “Go lay down, Chewie.”

Finally, with both dogs quiet, Barney opened his back door. The patio light, set on a motion detector, flicked on, illuminating half of his yard. Rage bubbled up inside of him when he spotted the woman that had managed to ruin his dinner yet again. She was lurking just outside of the pool of light, but Barney knew full well who she was. He bolted out the door and down the lawn, unbothered that he was only wearing his boxers, “How many times do I have to tell you to get the hell off my lawn?” he bellowed, as he approached the old woman, “Are you fucking deaf?”

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The Monster of The Dragonfly Chateau

Celeste Colbert’s skirts swished as she rushed through the grand salon of le Chateau des Libellules, or, as their British guests often called it, the Dragonfly Chateau. Pompous, wig wearing, painted gentlemen stared down their long noses at her from ornate frames hung on the wallpapered walls. Ordinarily, she would have delighted at raising her own nose at them as she passed by, but not today. Today, her boss, Comte Claude Jean Frederic d’Arcy, was hosting dignitaries all the way from London, and she had been sent by Madame Bernadette, the head housekeeper, to fetch extra candles from the storage rooms.

She was breathless by the time she entered the hallway that led downstairs. The shadows were deeper here, where there were no windows to let in the sunlight, and no wall sconces either. The Comtesse, Danielle d’Arcy, was a ruthless miser who kept careful count of every single item that was used in the palatial residence, and found it unnecessary to illuminate rooms that were only seen by the servants.

Celeste halted in front of the heavy door. A lifelong fear of the dark waged a war with the stern face of Madame Bernadette, should she not return with the candles she’d requested. It was a no brainer, really. She opened the door. She could see the first six stairs, but the rest were hidden in the gloom. She turned around, right into a chest. She screeched and started to tumble backwards, but strong arms reached for her and pulled her upright.

“Forgive me, ma cherie. Did I scare you?”

“What do you think?” Celeste scowled at Luc. Luc Devereux was a groundskeeper, and quite handsome. She had suspected for quite some time that he was taken with her, but that knowledge was actually disturbing; she desperately needed to keep her job, and she’d been warned by other domestiques that the Comtesse had been known to let anyone go that had taken up with another servant.

Luc looked past her and let out a low whistle, “It’s mighty dark down there.”

“You don’t say,” Celeste, feeling braver with his presence, started down the stairs, “Nevertheless, I must go down there.”

“At least let me accompany you, Mademoiselle …”

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