Quick Update


I’m sure that many of you have noticed that I have not posted any new stories in quite a while and first of all, I would like to offer my sincere apologies. I have been very busy working on getting a story ready to put up on Amazon, and unfortunately it has taken much longer than I had ever anticipated. I went into it thinking that since I had already written the book many years ago, it would simply be a matter of doing a bit of editing, making a cover, so on and so forth, and up on Amazon it would go. I should have known better. Anyway, to make a long story short, I decided to make more changes to the story, and then I decided to make more changes, and here we are, many months later. In my defense, I sincerely do believe the story is better for the attention I have given it, and I will debut a bit of it here on the blog hopefully very soon. It is not a short story though, so I will not be posting the entire story, but I hope that you will consider purchasing it if you enjoy where it’s going, once you read a bit of it.

So, in the meantime, I am back to working on a new story for the blog and I intend to get it posted as quick as I can, but no promises as to when. The story is finished when the story is finished, right?

Thank you for your patience.

R. Choate
