Hello, and welcome to I heart a short story blog. This is not a blog about short stories, it is short stories, and every now and again, I might just post, chapter by chapter, a longer novel that I have wrote. I love to write, and I don’t want to limit myself to any single genre, so expect to find romance, thrillers, mysteries, historical fiction, and anything else that I take a notion to try my hand at. The only certainty is that each will be authored by me, Rose Choate, unless otherwise noted, all will be fictional, and some of the stories will contain adult themes, so just know that going in. Also, I am a storyteller, not an editor, so you might spot a grammatical error or a misspelled word every now and then, (and I apologize in advance for that), but hopefully none that will be so egregious that they will detract from enjoying the story. Please do not share, copy, or use in any way, in part or entirety, my stories, without crediting my site and linking back to this blog. Now that we’ve got that out of the way, settle in and let me tell you a story.