Conversations With Grandpa – A short story about love and loss

”Grandpa, why is it called Otter Lake?”

“I suppose it’s because otters make their home all around this lake. Do you know what an otter looks like, Emma?”

“Yes. I saw one in a book at the library, but I want to see one now, Grandpa. Can you get one to come over to the boat?”

“Well now, Em, I can’t say that I can, but, I tell you what, if you stay real still while I fish, we just might see one.”


“I want to do it, Grandpa! Let me do it!

“You sure you want to put the worm on? It’s wiggly now, Emma.”

“I want to do it! … “Ooh, it’s yucky! It doesn’t want to go on the hook, Grandpa. It’s afraid. Here, you do it.”


“I’m bored. We haven’t caught any fish, and I just wanna go swimming at the beach. Can we go back, Grandpa?

“Just a few minutes more, Emma. Have another root beer out of the cooler, but don’t tell your Momma. She’ll get mad at me for giving you soda pop.”

“Yeah, she’d get really mad if she knew I had two pops, Grandpa, but I won’t tell. I promise. Can I have some more beef jerky, too?”

“Sure, but not too much. I don’t want you to spoil your dinner. I heard your Mom and Grandma are planning a cookout by the cabin.”

“Are we gonna have hotdogs? And smores? I loooove smores!”

“Emma, settle down or you’re going to tip the boat right over.”


“I got my ears pierced, Grandpa. Did you see?”

“Oh, would you look at that. Those are some lovely earrings, too. Is that your birthstone?”

“Uh huh. They’re ruby. I got them done at the mall. I wanted dangly ones, but Mom said not yet cause they have to heal first.”

“Well, they look mighty nice, Emma.”

“It didn’t even hurt, Grandpa.”

“Really? Sure looks like it would hurt to me.”

“I guess it hurt a little, but I still didn’t cry.”

“You are a very brave young lady, Emma. I believe I would’ve bawled like a baby if someone had punched a hole through my ear.”

“Haha, you’re funny, Grandpa.”


“Guess what, Grandpa? My art teacher says that I have one of the best paintings out of the entire 5th grade, and she wants to display it at the school district art show.”

“That sounds like quite an accomplishment, Emma. What did you paint?”

“It’s us, Grandpa! On the boat out on Little Otter Lake.”

“Is that so? Sounds like I’m going to have to make a trip up to the art show so that I can see this masterpiece for myself.”

“You can go with us, Grandpa. It’s on Thursday.”

“Sounds like a plan. I’m looking forward to it.”

“I can’t wait until next summer, so we can go fishing again.”

“I feel exactly the same, Em. Don’t worry, it’ll be here before we know it.”


“Whoa! Grandpa, look! It’s a family of otters! A whole family! Look at the little babies! They’re soooo cute!”

“I’ll be darned. It’s the entire family out for a swim. Wish I had my camera on me.”

“Yeah, cause Mom and Dad will never believe us when we tell them.”

“They sure are beautiful, aren’t they?”

“Yes. I love fishing with you, Grandpa.”


“Hi, Grandpa.”

“Hello, Emma. What’s this about your Mom saying you had a babysitting job this summer?”

“Yes, I’m going to babysit a girl down the street while her mom and dad are at work. They’re going to pay me and everything.”

“A real job, sounds like.”

“Uh huh. Mom says that I can spend half of what I earn, but I have to put the rest in savings.”

“Saving your pennies for a rainy day is not a half bad idea, Em.”

“Yeah, I know. I guess it means that I can’t go fishing with you, though.”

“Well, that’s all right. You’ve got a responsibility that’s more important than sitting on a boat with me, young lady. You just make sure that you keep a real close on that little girl and everything will work out just fine.”

“I will. I love you, Grandpa.”

“I love you, too, Emma.”


“Hey, Grandpa, you’re never going to guess what happened.”

“You won a million dollars?”

“Ha! I wish. No, I got asked to the school dance.”

“Oh, my. Wait. Aren’t you a tad young for that?”

“Grandpa, I’m fourteen!”

“That doesn’t seem right. Are you sure you aren’t twelve?”

“Grandpa, you’re silly. Anyway, his name is Cody, and he’s really cute, and I can’t believe that he asked me to the dance. Mom’s taking me to the mall to buy a dress and I’m even getting my hair done, too. I’m so excited.”

“Sounds like it’s going to be a fancy shindig, Em. You make sure that you keep him in line now.”

“I will, Grandpa, don’t worry.”


“Do you like it, Grandpa? Isn’t it beautiful?”

“It sure is a beautiful car. Hope you aren’t going to drive too fast in it.”

“I won’t. I’m a really good driver, Grandpa. And, thank you for putting some money towards it, too. I didn’t think I would ever have enough to get a car.”

“Don’t you worry about it, Emma. That’s what I’m here for.”

“I promise I’ll pay you back, Grandpa.”

“You don’t need to do that. I’m happy to help. You just make sure that you pay attention to the road and don’t go over the speed limit.”

“I promise, Grandpa. I promise that I’ll be the safest driver ever.”


“How are you feeling, Grandpa? Better, I hope.”

“Sure, sure. I’m getting around okay. No need to worry about me.”

“Mom said they put in a pacemaker?”

“I guess you can call me the bionic man now.”

“I have to work on Saturday, but I’m coming for a visit on Sunday. I can’t wait to see you.”

“That sounds wonderful, Em. I’m looking forward to it.”


“What do you think, Grandpa … was my speech inspiring?”

“Well, it was almost as good as mine, I’ll give you that.”

“Very funny, Grandpa. Did mom tell you that I got accepted to Northwestern? I’m going in the fall.”

“She did mention it. I’m sure going to miss you, Emma.”

“Hey, I’m still going to come home for breaks, you know. You’ll see me plenty, Grandpa.”


“Hi, Grandpa, it’s me, Emma.”

“Emma, huh? I almost forgot what you sounded like. It’s been so long since I’ve talked to you.”

“I know. I’m sorry, Grandpa. School’s been maddening, and I’ve been working at the library, too. But, hey, I’m coming home this weekend. Let’s take the boat out on Little Otter Lake. We’ll make a day of it. How does that sound?”

“That sounds real good, Emma. Real good.”


“Isn’t this just the best? It’s so beautiful out here, with all of the trees changing color and the water so still and calm.”

“Takes your breath away, that’s for sure. So, how about you, Emma? How have you been?”

“Good. Busy. I’m all set to graduate next year. Oh look! You brought the root beer!”

“And there’s a bag of jerky in that bag by your foot.”

“You thought of everything, Grandpa. I should have known that you would.”


“Emma, it’s your Grandpa.”

“Grandpa, hi! I can’t believe that you actually called me. How are you doing?”

“Oh, pretty good. Your Mom tells me that you’re getting serious with a young man. When am I going to meet him?”

“When did she tell you that?”

“I think she mentioned it when she came to visit this past weekend. Said that she’d met him a few times.”

“His name is Jonah, Grandpa. I met him here, at the office. He actually works at a different company in the same building. But, yeah, we’ve been seeing each other for awhile. I don’t know if it’s as serious as Mom thinks it is, though.”

“And why do you say that?”

“Well, it’s not like he’s asked me to marry him.”

“He should. He’s not going to find anyone better than you.”

“Oh, Grandpa.”


“Mom says that you haven’t been wanting to work with your rehabilitation therapist, Grandpa.”

“It’s a waste of time, Emma, and money, too. You have no idea how much these people charge. It’s a hundred bucks for them to walk in your door.”

“Grandpa, don’t worry about the money. We just want you to get the care that you need.”

“I’m fine. I told you that I’m fine. I can walk. I can feed myself. I can even tie my own damn shoes. I don’t need a therapist in here trying to take over my life.”

“Fine, but at least try it for one more week. For me, Grandpa. I want you at a hundred percent so that you can dance at my wedding.”

“I wouldn’t miss that for anything, Emma. You know that.”


“May I have this dance, Em?”

“Of course, Grandpa. Are you sure you’re feeling up to it?”

“I am.”

“Do you like my dress, Grandpa?”

“I do. You look beautiful. So beautiful. That Jonah is one lucky man.”

“Look, Mom is trying to take a picture of us. Let’s dance closer to her.”

“Your mother has been watching me like a hawk. Or a vulture. More like a vulture, now that I think about it.”

“Still funny, I see.”

“So, where is this husband of yours taking you for your honeymoon?”

“We’re going to Hawaii, Grandpa. I’m so excited. Didn’t you say that you and Grandma went to Hawaii for your honeymoon?”

“We sure did. Still remember it like it was yesterday.”

“Grandpa, are you crying? You are. Now I’m going to cry to.”


“Is he awake? Can he hear me?”

“He can hear you. Go ahead and talk to him.”

“Are you sure? He looks like he’s asleep.”

“He’s just resting. He can hear us.”

“Okay. Uh … hey, Grandpa. It’s me, Emma. I’m sorry it took me so long to get here. I got here as quick as I could. Wait. What’s that noise that he’s making, Mom?”

“It’s just phlegm. He’s probably trying to talk to you.”

“Oh. So, anyway … Grandpa, guess what? I’m pregnant. Only two months along, but, yeah, you’re going to be a Great-Grandpa! Isn’t that great? Jonah and I are so excited. We tried for a long time, and it’s finally happened. You’ve got to get better, Grandpa, so that you can meet the baby when it’s born.”

“Em …”

“Grandpa? Hey, there you are.”

“So happy for the ba …”

“It’s okay, Grandpa. Just rest. You don’t have to talk right now. You need to work on getting your strength back so you can meet this little one when she or he arrives.”

“I … am … so … Em … ma. So happy.”

“I know. I love you, Grandpa. I love you so much.”

“And I lo… I love you, Em.”


“Grandpa, I did it. I got the boat out on the water, finally. It’s beautiful, Grandpa. So beautiful. The sun is going to set soon, but the lake sure is glowing right now. And, you’ll never believe it, but I saw three little otters swimming under that big old tree that hangs out over the water. Oh, and guess what, Grandpa. I’m about to crack open a can of ice cold root beer, and eat some beef jerky, too. I’m sure that I’m not supposed to have soda right now, since I’m pregnant, but, you know what? I think just once will be okay, because this is for you, Grandpa. For you, and me. I miss you, Grandpa. I miss you so much.”

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