Luanna Finwith/The Jericho Case – A mystery short story

“It’s getting bad out there. You sure you don’t need me to help you get this stuff out to the car?”

“No need,” Tonya Jericho hefted the paper bags, one in each arm, and headed for the door. She stopped short and turned around, “Oh, and don’t forget to tell Lauren to order more of that delicious cheese you let me try today. I believe I’ll serve that at my next dinner party.”

“Yes, ma’am, I certainly will.”

Tonya moved forward and the automatic doors swept open. Rain was sheeting down out past the awning, and, for a moment, she almost turned back around.

“Oh, just get on with it.” Tonya said to herself. She stepped out into the rain and scurried as quickly as she could to her vehicle, but she was still completely drenched by the time she put the bags in the back seat and finally slid behind the wheel.

“Ugh,” she exclaimed. She grabbed a tissue out of the middle compartment and used it to dab at her face and hair, “Of course it would have to rain like this on today, of all days.”

She started the car and drove out of the small lot, thinking about the possibility that some of her guests were probably not going to make it to her dinner party, “Such a shame, really.” she sniffed. She’d waited so very long for this moment, and was so excited to have everyone over so that she could share her news.

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