The Mountain – A dramatic short story

“Have a look at that. Pictures don’t do it justice, do they?”

“No, they certainly don’t.” Andie yanked one of the two sweaters that she was wearing up and over her head. She stuffed it into her pack as she stole a sidelong glance at her climbing guide. The kid was like a rooster strutting around the pen, all puffed up and full of himself. The fact that he was one of the top guides on the mountain circuit was what kept her agreeable, period.

“I will never forget my first time seeing Everest,” Dan Hanson went on, “Did I mention that I was only 23 at the time?”

“You might have mentioned it a time or two.” Andie unclipped her water bottle from her waistband and took a long drink. She let her eyes wander around their group, wondering why Dan had singled her out for his attention. Perhaps he’d already regaled everyone else of his accomplishments and it was just her turn to humor him.

“Well, I mean, word gets around, I guess.”

“It does.” Andie crossed her arms over her chest and waited for him to take the hint.

“Well, I should check on some of the others.” Dan smiled, tightly, and moved off.

Andie watched him smoothly integrate himself into another group’s conversation and breathed a sigh of relief. She was in no mood for pointless small talk. Hadn’t been, for a long, long time now.

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