Claire and Ronan – A Rook’s Mill Romance

The wind was kicking up something fierce as Claire Wallis grabbed the last of the sheets from the clothesline. Fat droplets of rain were beginning to fall as she rushed for the door of the old Victorian that she’d turned into a bed and breakfast.

Once inside, Claire stepped into the sitting room, grateful to find it empty. Sometimes, guests would gather there, and she would have felt obligated to sit down for a chat. She quickly folded the sheets, stopping a few times to bury her nose in the folds to breathe in the scent of fresh air. There wasn’t much that could rival the smell of it, honestly. Well, maybe freshly baked bread could give it a run for its money, she supposed.

Out in the foyer, the staircase creaked, and, anticipating one of her guests to appear, Claire’s mouth settled into a welcoming smile as she turned to the doorway. A few moments passed, but no one appeared. She moved over to the doorway and peered around the thick mahogany casing. The foyer was empty.

A sudden, cold draft made Claire rub her arms briskly as she grabbed up the stack of laundry and moved down the hall to the storage room. She put the sheets on the shelves, trying not to allow her thoughts to settle on her fears. She was being ridiculous, is what she was being, she decided. There was no such thing as ghosts, even in an old Victorian that had had a reputation of being haunted.

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Isabella and Will – A Rook’s Mill Romance

“Izzy, you need to come take a look at this.”

Isabella James, or, Izzy, as she was known to her students, groaned as she stood up to follow Darren. She’d been wedged between the side of a barn and a tree right next to it for the better part of two hours, carefully unearthing a rock that featured a petroglyph carved into it.

Darren led her to the main excavation site, where her crew’s voices were raised in excitement as they stood in a huddle, all looking down at the ground.

“Move aside, you fools,” Darren exclaimed, “The boss lady has arrived.”

Izzy walked down the ramp into the excavation site as her group moved aside for her. They’d been working almost nonstop ever since the owner of this farm had contacted her after they had discovered a strange looking drawing on a rock out in the middle of a field they had been clearing.

“It’s clearly a wall, Iz,” Lara Bruno, her field assistant enthused, “You can see it stretches that way, and then makes a turn down there.”

Izzy felt a little faint all of a sudden, and she knew it wasn’t the hot summer sun, either. This was big. So, so big. Bigger than anything she’d ever dreamed that she’d be a part of, after taking the teaching job at tiny little Haverston College, in the small town of Rook’s Mill, Kansas.

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