The Job from Hell – a suspenseful short story

Lucinda Byers absentmindedly massaged the back of her neck as she logged out of the job board. She was tense. Hell, who wouldn’t be? It had taken her approximately three hours just to post resumes for two positions. At this rate, she wouldn’t get a job for at least a month, and her savings were depleting rapidly. She couldn’t fathom having to move back home with her parents. She was 29 years old and far too used to living on her own terms to go back to sleeping in her childhood bedroom again.

Her computer alerted her to a new email. She clicked it open and reared back in surprise when she saw that it was from H Inc. That was certainly quick; most companies took at least a day before rejecting her application. Her hand woodenly moved to open the email. She scanned it and her mouth formed an O as she realized that it wasn’t a rejection after all. They were asking her to come in for an interview that very afternoon.

“It’s a miracle!” Lucy declared out loud, “Now all that’s left is impressing the shit out of these people.”


Lucy pulled into the parking spot and turned the car off. She was looking at a nondescript, one story, tan brick building. The company logo, a black letter H on a background of yellow and red flames, was printed on a metal placard that hung on the side of the building. Lucy snorted upon seeing how small the sign was. Clearly, they were going to need some help in the marketing department.

“Guess that’s what I’m here for.” she whispered, as she got out of the car and headed for the building.

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