The Light at Dawn – a harrowing short story

“Come on, Jeremy, it’s just a hiking trip. You haven’t hung out with us in, what, six months?”

“Yeah, I’ve been slammed at work,” Jeremy closed his eyes, wishing that he’d never answered the damn phone, “You know how it is. A hiking trip, huh? You know I’m not much of an outdoorsman, Cole.”

“So what. Just come. You can even bring your … girl.”

Jeremy could tell that Cole was searching his memory for the name, “Valerie,” he offered, “But, yeah, we broke up a few weeks ago.”

“Oh. Sorry.”

“That’s okay. You didn’t know. But listen, I think I’m going to take a pass. Besides, I don’t even own a sleeping bag, much less a tent, dude.”

“So sleep in mine. I have a ton of sleeping bags, too. Come over tonight. You can take your pick.”

Jeremy leaned back against the wall and bounced his head against it. Cole could never take no for an answer. He’s always been that way, but time and distance always made Jeremy forget that little fact. Now he was paying the price, “Who’d you say was coming?”

“Tyson and Margo, Brian, Greg, you and me.”

“Why isn’t Hanna coming?”

“Her and Margo are having a disagreement, apparently. Hell, I’m not even supposed to go, but I’m going anyway. She’ll get over it.”

“You’re taking a chance there, man.”

“It’ll be worth it to get everyone together again, even for a few days. You’re coming, Jer, so get your ass over here tonight and pick out a sleeping bag.”

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