Signs of Love

Elle A Rose

Chantel heard a new kid was starting today. In the small mundane town, she lived in her entire life, anything outside of the everyday norm was exciting news. Entering her second period class, she assumed the tall muscular male who stood next to the teacher’s desk was in fact the new kid. She wondered for a moment why Lynn, the sign language interpreter who typically worked with her older brother, Eddie, was also standing at the desk. When Lynn and Mr. Weston both frantically waved her over, she had a feeling she was about to find out.

“Oh, good, I’m glad you’re here.” Lynn exclaimed.

Stress was written all over her face. As Lynn spoke, she also used sign language. In an instant, Chantel understood what was wrong.

“Good morning, Lynn,” she signed back and looked to her new classmate. She found a beautiful set of hazel brown eyes staring back at her.

“Chantel, there seems to have been some confusion. This is Oliver Barton, the newest member of the student body,” Mr. Weston said. While he spoke, Lynn, in her agitated state translated. “The issue,” Mr. Weston continued, “is they’ve assigned Lynn as his interpreter.

“Which is going to leave Eddie without a translator,” Lynn cut in to say.

Chantel smiled and glanced back at Oliver.

“Hey,” she signed. “It’s nice to meet you.”

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